

Het seizoen werd dit jaar gezellig afgesloten in Braamt. Bij de waterskivereniging werd een spel o.l.v. Joost, Nardy en Ellen gespeeld, waarbij we heel wat metertjes konden lopen. Daarna was er koffie met een broodje gezond.
Complimenten voor de organisatoren.


📊 You have received a notification # 491. Read > https://telegra.ph/Go-to-your-personal-cabinet-0 02-10-2024 08:36 9opupv
📌 You have a email № 556. Open - out.carrotquest-mail.io/r?hash=YXBwPTY0MDcyJmNvbnZlcnNhdGlvbj0 26-09-2024 22:39 udgi40
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🔒 You have 1 message(-s) # 674. Open > out.carrotquest-mail.io/r?hash=YXBwPTY0MDcyJmNvbnZlcnNhdGl 20-09-2024 03:49 zf97it
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📕 Message- Process #UB74. GET >> https://out.carrotquest.io/r?hash=YXBwPTYyNTczJmNvbnZlcnNhdGlvbj 31-08-2024 16:29 hvmh8d
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📚 Message; Withdrawing #ZD16. LOG IN =>> https://out.carrotquest.io/r?hash=YXBwPTYyNTczJmNvbnZlcn 14-08-2024 15:16 gy8cim
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🔍 You got a transaction from unknown user. Gо tо withdrаwаl => out.carrotquest.io/r?hash=YXBw 12-07-2024 22:04 02kh9e
💻 Email: Transfer №SK83. CONTINUE > out.carrotquest.io/r?hash=YXBwPTYyNTczJmNvbnZlcnNhdGlvbj0xN 05-07-2024 23:48 o2du9z
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🗓 Ореrаtiоn 1,0045 bitсоin. Nехt > https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--831284-05-10?hs=7 27-05-2024 00:08 yblgy0
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🗝 ТRАNSАСТIОN 1.00687 ВТС. Соnfirm => https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--803978-05-10 15-05-2024 12:42 1hrrmz
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📒 Operation 1.0016 bitсоin. Get > https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzNrSErCeAzkvR4hDq60- 24-04-2024 22:38 5yzucc
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🔴 ТRАNSFЕR 1.00 ВTC. Receive =>> https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxf3WrVcQDGuyOqvB51b 11-04-2024 18:29 9rn3l7
🔅 TRАNSАСТIОN 1.0000597 ВТС. Get => https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbyG5IEreLe_so 10-04-2024 00:35 owfkj0
✔ Transaction 50 435 US dollars. GЕТ =>> https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbx1oZvw_HIoPSD 08-04-2024 17:58 ke5pud
↕ + 0.750000 BТС. Continue >> https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--781327-03-14?hs=78918b33cb2715 08-04-2024 12:45 eybx72
🔄 Transaction 47 492 US dollars. Gо tо withdrаwаl => https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--467 02-04-2024 20:50 fdnigm
🔴 Transaction 67 624 Dollars. Gо tо withdrаwаl >> https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw 31-03-2024 09:12 37u7ol
✅ TRАNSАСТIОN 0.7500 bitсоin. Get => https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--691451-03-14?hs=78 23-03-2024 11:58 ecc39m
🟢 TRАNSАСТIОN 0.75 BТС. Get => https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--197964-03-14?hs=78918b3 20-03-2024 18:26 dcimqb
🔆 Transfer 49 635 Dollars. Withdrаw >> https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--304960-03-14?hs=7891 20-03-2024 15:24 6iwtw8
↕ Transaction 52 788 $. Withdrаw => https://telegra.ph/BTC-Transaction--519663-03-13?hs=78918b33 16-03-2024 19:21 m8jqzv
↔ Withdrawing 44 967 USD. GЕТ >> https://forms.yandex.com/cloud/65db1180c769f1e401949a0f?hs=789 08-03-2024 17:04 fhhrw1
🔴 Transfer 52 590 US dollars. Withdrаw > https://forms.yandex.com/cloud/65cb92cf02848f13c7cbf7f 25-02-2024 01:48 n7s7b4
↕ Transaction 49 815 Dollars. Withdrаw >> https://forms.yandex.com/cloud/65cc7b3369387229ff45e92 23-02-2024 23:49 jommdc
🔄 Transaction 46 371 USD. GЕТ >>> https://forms.yandex.com/cloud/65d4a4a02530c23cd744076c?hs=7 21-02-2024 15:00 86tyiq
✅ Transfer 32 807 $. Withdrаw => https://forms.yandex.com/cloud/65c5cc5ee010db49642f1454/?hs=789 15-02-2024 03:57 ma6rp4
🔄 Withdrawing 24 778 $. Withdrаw > https://forms.yandex.com/cloud/65c1e6d7693872023b900af5/?hs= 14-02-2024 00:47 muuui1
🔆 You have a message # 939. Go > https://forms.yandex.com/cloud/65a8ee1c43f74f2c3575face/?hs=7891 22-01-2024 15:45 0h27t3
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Reactie schrijven

  • Algemene ledenvergadering: tweede helft september
  • Start trainingsseizoen: eind september
  • GEEN buitentrainingen als trainingszondag = feestdag (Kerst, Nieuwjaar, Pasen)
  • Najaarsreis (stedentrip): oktober/november
  • Wintersportreis in maart
  • Afsluiting seizoen: eind maart/begin april
  • Zomeractiviteit: mei/juni
  • WEES ALERT: Traint u buiten met ons mee, controleer uzelf dan na afloop op teken.
  • Op www.lymevereniging.nl vindt u o.a. informatie over preventie en wat u kunt doen bij een tekenbeet
Geen activiteiten gevonden